home page >> methods

© 2001-2013

Using full-size mockups
Drawing on a photograph of the site
Using the SVG tool
Using models
Designing with sequences
Designing and planning on the land, not on paper
Measuring+Feeling as a decision-making tool
Pattern Languages instead of zoning
Reaching consensus
"Money flow is like blood flow—we need the right amount in the right places."
Handling the flow of money in new ways
Using generative sequences for building construction and construction contracts
What are generative sequences?
Assembling patterns to form sequences
Language builder
Using a transparent book as a basis for step by step design
The concept of a Freezone instead of zoning
Real Life Staking out buildings
Communal planning in neighborhoods
Voting on patterns (via internet) to establish shared priorities in a community, town, county, or region
Setting pattern languages as a basis for town planning or neighborhood reconstruction
Inventing a new pattern language for a private project
Inventing a new pattern language for a public project in which many decision makers or participants work together

end state of process
brickwork worked out before the building is designed
brickwork worked out before the building is designed
brickwork worked out before the building is designed
brickwork worked out before the building is designed
end state of process
brickwork worked out before the building is designed
brickwork worked out before the building is designed
Amodels in which one can see, and modify, the creation of a interior public space
brickwork worked out before the building is designed
A Pattern Language
Flow of Money
Measuring and Feeling