Outdoor spaces, doors, windows and ornament

Outdoor positive spaces
Doors and windows

Definition of a center

The evolution of a design in your mind's eye, through centers

The small-house design process has five main phases

Each of these phases is long enough for a single session. You should complete a session, then have a rest, before you start another session.

Session 5: Fix outdoor spaces, doors, windows and ornament

Step 5a
If you check all the outdoor areas around the house, are they all positive: entrance path, terrace, garden,.. is it true that each one is as positive and room-like as you can make it?

Make every outdoor area around the house a positive center.

Step 5b
Is the pattern of the windows beautiful from the inside of every room, and beautiful as a whole from the outside, and does every window have a pleasing pattern in itself?

Make all windows and doors positive centers, and make each bit of wall between the windows a positive center, too.

Step 5c
Does the house have a kind of ornament which makes you happy, and joyful, in a way that completes it and makes it a work of art?

Make centers where they are missing -- whether color, shape, or carving, or line -- and call these ornament

This completes Session 5

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