Study the Steps of the Unfolding

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Creating the Ornament on a Building
by Unfolding

This is a complex process, but using certain simple steps repeatedly, many people can make beautiful ornament and increase the joy and life of a building.
Step 1

Look carefully at the building or building component which is to receive the ornament, and find the "gaps" in it.

Step 2

Ask yourself what overall gesture in the whole seems to repair the empty gap-like feeling in the whole?

Step 3

Ask yourself what overall gesture in the whole seems to repair the empty gap-like feeling in the whole?

Step 4

Ask yourself what overall gesture in the whole seems to repair the empty gap-like feeling in the whole?

Step 5

Find a simple repeating pattern which is consistent with this gesture and fits within it.

Step 6

Find a simple repeating pattern which is consistent with this gesture and fits within it.

Step 7

Now improve the ornament, by making the individual bits of space in the ornament more positive. To do this, start giving better shape to individual repeating elements. "Better" means that the negative space between these elements, not only the elements themselves, become well-shaped and positive in shape.

Step 8

Now improve the ornament, by making the individual bits of space in the ornament more positive. To do this, start giving better shape to individual repeating elements. "Better" means that the negative space between these elements, not only the elements themselves, become well-shaped and positive in shape.

Step 9

Make appropriate boundaries, which help to unify the ornament, and its relation to its surroundings.

Step 10

Make appropriate boundaries, which help to unify the ornament, and its relation to its surroundings.

Step 11

Once you have this clear, try adding a second level of scale, of other smaller shapes, which make the ornament whole, and which increase the unity of its interior space—what this means is that the space between element become more positive because of these small elements you have added.

Step 12

Do what you may need to, to add a third level of detail, thus embellishing the centers you have just created with small centers. They should be chosen to create both large centers and small ones.

Step 13

Once again sharpen these smallest ones, and make them more positive.

Step 14

If it is helpful, increase contrast, to make the ornament more vivid.

Step 15

If it is helpful, increase contrast, to make the ornament more vivid.

Step 16

In any case make sure it is not too extreme: it should end up subdued and harmonious.


In any case make sure it is not too extreme: it should end up subdued and harmonious.
