Six Tenets of Unfolding:

"Money flow is like blood flow—we need the right amount in the right places."

Vital to the welfare of the environment, is the possibility of flexible adaptations during construction, and methods of providing that this flexibility can be maintained within a guaranteed cost umbrella. Our innovations provide clients with the advantages of flexibility, without the costs and penalties and cost-overruns typically encountered when construction proceeds within existing forms of bidding and cost control.

Several innovations are part of our working patterns.

New forms of cash flow for housing programs that are based, in part, on available resources, may be used to maximize the effect of available cash flow, while keeping client expectations at a minimum, reduce later burdens caused by loan indebtedness.

New forms of construction management contracts, invented and developed by our team, have provided managed methods of cost control which provide the client the opportunity to obtain maximum benefit for any given level of cost, with security of final cost.

Encouraging mixed use development, through creative forms of variable interest, assigns priorities and different forms of cost to components, according to their level of social importance. This has the effect of recovering key components of the urban environment, which are damaged by present types of interest.