Our Credo

Our most fundamental idea is that a living world -- one in which land, plants, animals, and people are successfully co-adapted can only be created by the cooperative efforts of all the millions of us who inhabit the Earth: and that, in the long run, it will only come about if we share a conscious and deliberate purpose to achieve this goal together.

That means, involving literally all the millions of people on the Earth: a matter of centuries to accomplish. And it means that every act of construction or repair, no matter how large or how tiny, must be done with the purpose that it creates more life and is more harmoniously woven into the living fabric that exists.

It requires, above all, thought and purpose, about this harmonious life, in every single action that we take. If this website can stimulate an increased awareness of this cooperative activity, and can provide stimulus, and help, and support, for all those who wish to join in such a purpose, we shall have achieved our goals.
